THREE LEAVES is a series of sound artworks derived from only the signals collected from leaves of native plants in their natural habitat. Using a specially developed sensor connected directly to the leaves of these plants, data is collected and then processed through synthesisers and effect units. The results provide a unique one-off listening experience that reflects the beautiful randomness of Nature but through a modern musical palette. The outcome creates a unique song – a sonic story or signature – that is composed entirely by the resident biota. It allows Nature to be the musician…
Three Leaves
Based on these works, an interactive live performance titled “Lea𝑓” has also been initiated where listeners can witness plants creating the sounds in realtime as well as engage directly to see what human touch and different plant species have on the soundscapes heard.
This project aims to offer a new perspective through the medium of sound to gain revived appreciation for the awesome variety of green space that we are privileged to have access to on the Sunshine Coast and further stimulate us to become more observant, attentive and connected to the biota that surrounds us in everyday life.
Contact Andrew at for bookings.